People will do anything.
No matter if the boundaries of stupidity reach from here to eternity. Somewhere, somehow, there's at least one person harebrained enough to attempt the absurd.
This general lack of faith in the smarts of the human species was the result of too much time parked in front of satellite television last week.
Admittedly, that time spent doesn't say much for my own IQ. But I did learn something.
While flipping through the million channels of nothing on, I happened across the Discovery Health Channel. Folks, it's become my newest addiction.
You just never know what you're going to see.
Case in point. One of the episodes followed three seemingly normal people through their varied odyssies into the world of plastic surgery. Now I know that there are some very legitimate and medically necessary reasons for plastic surgery, but folks, this episode didn't include any.
I watched a woman get white hot acid poured all over her face (a chemical peel) to reduce her fine lines for her impending wedding. Her face literally was burned off. Of course after several weeks a new face grew back.
I sat in awe as a man with a dome as slick as a cue ball succumbed to hundreds of little needles being stuck into his head as he went under the knife for a hair transplant. He hoped it would make him more of a Don Juan.
The man had sections of hairy scalp removed from his head. Then, that section of skin was sewed shut. The hairs were extracted from the donor scalp area and poked under his unruly scalp. It was perfectly awful. The man was awake throughout the procedure and smiled as he pictured his future fortune impressing the ladies.
My eyebrow shot involuntarily up to the top of my head as I watched another young woman undergo a nose job and chin implant.
Doctors took some kind heavy metal implement, shoved it up the woman's nostrils, and then started banging away at it with a real honest-to-goodness hammer.
Then, as pieces of bone and cartilage broke away, the doctor would reach down into the far recesses of her nose with the longest pair of tongs I've ever seen, pulling the unwanted nose debris out and depositing it nonchalantly into a metal pan.
He turned her bottom lip inside out and cut a huge gash to implant her chin. When the operation was over, the woman's head looked like an old catcher's mitt that had been left out in the rain for a couple of seasons. However, when the cameras tracked her down again months later, she was grinning from ear to ear with her new nose sniffer and chin chopper.
A few nights later, the episode followed the trials and tribulations of teenage girls whoa re getting plastic surgeries as gifts. One 14-year-old girl got the birthday gift of liposuction from her mother.
And to think I was happy with a pair of jeans.
Another 18-year-old girl got what all teenagers need: a brand spanking new set of breast implants. These were a gift from her father. Now there's a conversation I could never imagine having with my parents.
"Mom, Dad... I have two little (well, make that two BIG) favors to ask."
What in the world goes through these people's minds?
Another Discovery health Channel program was all about men and women who undergo sex change operations. I won't even go there. Suffice it to say where there's a will, there's a way.
I thought by then I'd seen it all. There couldn't be anything stranger than that.
then I tuned in the other night to the episode on cryogenics. You know, freeze-drying yourself so you'll be fresh for the next lifetime.
Evidently, people with more money than sense have decided death is too much of a bummer, so they're just going to avoid it all together.
When it's their turn to croak, they're having themselves frozen. They figure they can remain in this state for how ever many years it takes for science to cure what killed them. The truly filthy rich are having their entire bodies frozen.
but for those on more of a fixed income or whose bodies have been mangled beyond further use, never fear. If you'd like to join the carefree world of the cryogenically preserved, you can just have your head frozen.
Yep. Believe it. Otherwise rational human beings are making plans for their own deaths that include beheading. That way, when scientists figure out how to do head transplants, they'll be the first in line.
Unfortunately, I fell asleep before I was able to learn where these heads will get their new body parts.
Maybe they will call the toe truck. Or, could be they'll ask for hand-outs. Maybe they let someone else give them a heads up. Someone should really put their foot down.
Either way, I don't think cryogenics is for me. I bet it costs an arm and a leg.
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